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Join our member and get instant access to all the fabulous offers!


透過網上註冊成為 moono 會員 可憑於網上或 K11 Musea店舖消費獲取積分,並可將積分累積轉換成現金折扣作下次即時消費之用。

By register online and joining moono membership, The program allow moono membership to earn points with eligible transactions whenever you shop. moono member can convert points into dollar discount to spend as instant cash for the next transaction.

新會員推廣招募期間,成功註冊成為新會員即送 2000積分,並於一個月內累積消費滿港幣 $2000 或單一消費滿 $1000 即時升級為 EXCLUSIVE 會員,於下次起全年於網上及店舖消費享有88折會員優惠(不適用於 節日產品及聯乘系列產品) 及節日產品早鳥優惠 (節日禮盒早鳥優惠與會員優惠不能同時使用)。

During our promotion of moono membership, you can get 2000 points as the entry rewards. You can unlock to EXCLUSIVE membership  and get more exclusive and latest offer upon single purchase over HKD $1000 or purchases over HKD $2000 in a month at our K11 Musea store, city'super pop up store or online. Join now and get instant access to all the fabulous offers!




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