Membership FAQ 會員制常見問題
會員憑100 積分可兌換 港幣$1現金折扣作下次即時網上消費之用
*積分兌換不適用於K11 Musea 店舖購物
*Moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD) 將保留最終決定權
How to redeem points and rewards?
In general, 100 Points are equivalent to 1 Dollar and can be used as HKD$1 instant cash at our online shop.
*points redemption only available at online purchase.
*points redemption cannot be used at K11 Musea store.
*point will not be refunded after redemption in any circumstance
*In case of any dispute, moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD) reserve the right of final decision.
Is there any expiry date to points? How to calculate the expiry date?
member are entitled to 12 months’ validity of regular earning of the points from the date of point crediting. Some rewards valid earlier.
我們會於積分到期日前 14 及 60日發出電郵通知,提醒會員將有多少積分到期。由於逾期之積分均不設補發及延期,建議會員定期登入及查閱賬戶內關於積分的各項資訊。
Is there any notification to remind my points expiry date?
We will send the notification email to remind members about the expiring points 14 and 60 days in advanced. Since the expired points cannot be extended and reinstated, members are advised to log in to your account in website and check the details of the points regularly.
If I need to refund my transaction, can I still keep my earned points?
No. The points will be reverted upon refund. All redeemed points will not be refunded after redemption in any circumstance.
不可以。 積分只能於網上消費時使用,不能兌換為現金。
Can I convert the points into cash?
No. The points can only be spent at moono online shop and cannot be converted to cash.
如欲賺取積分,會員需於消費當天向店舖店員或客服人員提供有效會員姓名和會員電話號碼作賺取積分之用。如會員於消費當刻忘記提供資料,但希望申請補發賺取積分,則需於消費當天起計7天內聯絡我們並提供有效單據作登記,否則積分會自動報銷。請注意,moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD)擁有最終之決定權。
Can I register my points if I forget to earn point at K11 Musea store at time of purchase?
If you wish to earn points, member needs to present valid membership name and phone number at time of purchase or participation of campaign to our shop assistant. If member forgets to do so but request to earn afterwards, please contact our customer service (68488375) directly to make the request within 7 days of the purchase.Please note that members are required to follow terms and conditions of the spending or campaign, subject to the decision of Moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD).
優惠只適用於 moono K11 MUSEA店舖及moono online shop。
會員積分只適用於於moono online shop 網上兌換。任何積分或購物禮券之影印副本恕不接受。
Moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD) 保留隨時修改上述優惠或禮品之權利,而不作另行通知。
如有任何爭議, moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD) 將保留最終決定權。
Moono 會員應確保其理解有關優惠計劃的條款與細則,如有需要,在向我們購買任何產品或服務前, 應向我們先行查詢。
Terms and Conditions
Membership Offers General Terms and Conditions:
Offer only available at moono K11 MUSEA Store and moono online shop.
Valid moono membership name and phone number/email must be presented to enjoy the offers.
Membership points redemption only available at moono online shop. Photocopies of the gift vouchers are not accepted.
Memberships points and offers cannot be exchanged for cash.
Moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD) reserves the right to amend the offers or gifts at any time without prior notice.
In case of any dispute, moono (Advanced Vegan Food LTD) reserve the right of final decision.