Order Terms & Conditions
一經付款訂購後,表示已同意以下條款。如有任何爭議,moono 將保留最終決定權。
Once you place an order, you agree to accept the following terms and condition.In case of any disputes, moono reserves the rights of final decision.
/ 訂購 ORDER /
① 所有訂單一經付款確認,請恕不接受取消及退款。如需更改取貨日子或訂購內容,必須於最少4天前通知我們。我們保留拒絕更改訂購品項、取貨日子及時間的權利。
No cancellation or refund would be accepted once the order is confirmed. Please contact us at least 4 days in advance if you need to change the pickup date or order details. We reserve the right to decline any revised or reschedule requests due to limited order availability.
② 所有訂單資料以客人下單及系統發出的確認電郵為準。如有任何因填寫錯漏而導致未能在指定日子取貨,本公司恕不負責。客人在填寫資料時,請核對並確認資料完整無誤。我們保留拒絕更改取貨日子及時間的權利。All order information is subject to the customer's order and the confirmation email sent by the system. We will not be responsible for any failure to pick up the goods on the specified day due to any errors or omissions. When filling in the information, please check and confirm that the information is complete and correct. We reserve the right to decline any reschedule requests due to limited order availability.
③ 產品需至少提前 2天訂購。每天截單時間為下午 5:00。下午5:00後的訂單將視作翌日訂單處理。We accept 2 days order in advanced. The daily cut-off time is 5:00pm, and orders after 5:00pm will be as scheduled to the next day.
④ 所有送貨訂單會提前以 Whatsapp 短訊與客人確認送貨資料。如確認送貨資料後有任何錯漏而導致未能在指定日子取貨,本公司恕不負責,我們保留拒絕更改送貨日子、地點及時間的權利。如因訂單資料錯誤而導致我們未能聯絡客人作確認,我們保留取消訂單的權利。We will send confirmation message via Whatsapp to all delivery order. We will not be responsible for any failure to pick up the goods on the specified day/ location due to any errors or omissions after the confirmation. We reserve the right to decline any reschedule/ relocation requests due to limited order availability. If we fail to reach our customers due to wrong contact information, We reserve the right to cancel the order.
/ 付款 PAYMENT /
① 所有價目都以港元為單位。我們接受信用卡,Payme from HSBC, 轉數快及 銀行轉帳付款。所有訂單均需支付全數以作確認。
All price are quoted in Hong Kong Dollars. We accept payment by Credit cards, Payme from HSBC, FPS and bank Transfers payment. Order will only be confirmed after receiving full payment.
① 提取產品時,請出示本店發出的取貨通知電郵上顯示的4位數字訂單編號 ( #xxxx),以茲確認。
Please show the 4 capitals order number (#xxxx) from confirmation email send by us when pick up.
② 自取的客人請按指定日期於店舖營業時間內取貨。如閣下未能於指定日期提取蛋糕將會自動延遲至下個工作天才可取蛋糕,或訂單將被自動取消,款項亦不能退還。如因閣下無法按時取貨導致產品超出食用期限,本店恕不負責。 本店保留拒絕更改取貨日子及時間的權利。
Please pick up your order with our opening hours, or your order will be only be available for pickup on the next working day. Order will be automatically cancelled and the payment will not be refunded if you fail to pick up on the specified date. We do not take any responsibility and we are not liable for any damage of the products caused by the fault to pick up on the specified date.
③ 當紅雨、黑雨、或八號或以產烈風訊號懸掛時,取貨安排或會受到影響發延誤。本店會於天文台發出通報時盡早聯絡閣下另作安排。我們恕不接受因惡劣天氣而取消或退款。
In case of red rainstorm, black rainstorm or typhoon signal no.8 or above, pick up and delivery will be suspended. We will contact you to make new delivery and pick-up arrangement. We do not accept cancellation and refund due to bad weather.
/ 送貨服務 DELIVERY /
① 產品會於營業時間內按客人指定時間安排司機由葵芳工作室送貨。因應實際情況,送達時間不會完全準確,請預留時間收貨。產品上車後,司機以電話聯絡閣下並送貨到指定目的地樓下提取。Products will be arranged delivery according to your desired time slot. Please note that arrival time will not be accurate according to actual traffic condition. The driver will contact you before arrival and will not deliver to door, to the restaurants nor receptions. You need to pick up at the van. We are not responsible for any damage of the products during the delivery.
② 如我們的產品在送貨過程中有任何損毀,本店恕不負責或退款。請自行考慮風險。We do not take any responsibility or refunded for any damage of the products caused during delivery.
③ 消費滿 HKD$2000 可享免費送貨。消費金額 HKD$2000 以下會以運費到付的方式向客人收取運費 Free delivery for spending over HKD$2000. We have CASH on Delivery fee for order below HKD$2000.
④ 當紅雨、黑雨、或八號或以產烈風訊號懸掛時,送貨安排或會受到影響發延誤。本店會於天文台發出通報時盡早聯絡閣雨另作安排。我們恕不接受因惡劣天氣而取消或退款。
In case of red rainstorm, black rainstorm or typhoon signal no.8 or above, delivery will be suspended. We will contact you to make new delivery arrangement. We do not accept cancellation and refund due to bad weather.
/ 蛋糕存放 STORAGE /
取蛋糕後建議於1小時內放入雪櫃(攝氏 0 - 4 度),運送過程中必須以保溫袋盛載,並根據嘗味期限享用。閣下可自備保溫袋取貨或向我們購買。
Please keep refrigerated at 4 degrees within 1 hour after pickup. Our cakes have to be kept in insulation bags all the time during delivery and consumed on or before the best-before-date. You can bring your own cool bag or add on at our shop during pick up.
We do not provide any Take-away cutlery or Cake Server. Sorry for the inconvenience
/ 其他 OTHERS /
① 圖片只供參考。產品顏色及設計或會因人手制作而略有不同。如蛋糕上的裝飾會因供應原因而有所改動,恕不作另行通知。
Photos are for reference only. Actual product may vary due to fresh ingredients and house-made products. Ingredients and decorations on might be changed due to limited supply without further notice.
② 如有任何爭議,本店擁有最終決定權。
In case of any disputed, we reserves the rights of final decision.
③ 條款及細則如有任何更改,本店恕不作另行通知。
If there are any changes to the terms and conditions, we do not make any further notice.